True African History

seeking truth

Introducing True African History

Kelvin  ·  July 2, 2024

I am starting this website (True African History) because I think that there is something missing in the story of Africa so far. As someone who was born and grew up in Kenya, it is frustrating to see what has been happening in my country year after year. And just to be clear, by this I mean the pathetic state of our Kenya, starting with the government. Everyone I know says that “Kenya has so much potential” or “if only we had better leaders”. I have travelled a little across Africa and the story is the same every in Africa. All African countries seem to have the same problems where for some reason they are not able to achieve their true potential.

What does this mean when this is the case for an entire continent, and for 54 countries? Surely this cannot be normal? I refuse to believe that there is something inherently wrong with the African person to an extent that Africa is doomed to always be that place that has lots of potential but whose people are continually failed by their governments.

This website, therefore, is my attempt to help find answers. I want to explore Africa’s past and present to try and see if I can uncover the entire story. What lessons can we learn from our past that we can use to fight for our future? I strongly believe that the history and story of Africa has been whitewashed to keep Africa in someone's control. I want to uncover this by reading and learning as much as I can and then sharing it here. When we truly understand what happened and why then we gain more power to change our situation.

I know that there might be someone out there thinking that this is a silly simplistic project. That’s fine. The primary audience for this is myself. I want to understand what happened and what I can do about it, and I want to document everything that I come across here on this website. However, I also believe that there are people who think similarly to me. The existence of this website is a signal for us to find each other and join forces.